Mailbox Replacement Policy
The Road Commission for Montcalm County has adopted the following mailbox replacement policy, which will become effective on January 1, 2009.
Mailboxes damaged as the result of being physically struck by Road Commission equipment during road maintenance operations will be replaced.
Individuals will have the choice of receiving a standard metal mailbox or an amount up to a maximum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) as outlined below.
Mailboxes knocked off or damaged by the force of snow, ice or slush coming off the end of a Road Commission’s snowplow will not be repaired or replaced by the Road Commission.
1. If an individual wishes to receive a replacement mailbox, they must bring their damaged mailbox to one of the following locations and they will receive a standard metal mailbox (and metal post, if needed). In order to receive a new mailbox, the damaged mailbox must be turned in to the Road Commission, at which time it becomes the Road Commission’s property. Individuals may turn in their damaged mailbox for replacement at:
The Road Commission’s administrative office located at 619 W. Main Street in Stanton between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
The Road Commission’s garage located at 17700 W. Howard City-Edmore Road (M-46) in Howard City between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Note: During winter snowstorms assistance may not be available at this location).
The Road Commission’s garage located at 8734 W. Peck Road in Greenville between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Note: During winter snowstorms assistance may not be available at this location).
In extreme hardship cases where an individual is physically unable to replace a damaged mailbox, the Road Commission may, at its discretion and convenience, replace the mailbox using its labor and equipment.
2. If an individual wishes to receive reimbursement for a new mailbox, up to a maximum of $25.00, they must bring the damaged mailbox to one of the above locations and turn it in to the Road Commission, at which time it becomes the Road Commission’s property. The individual must also turn in a receipt indicating that a new mailbox (and post, if needed) was purchased along with their name and mailing address. The Road Commission will mail a check to the individual the next time bills are paid, which is the first and third Thursday of each month.
If an individual chooses to install an expensive plastic or decorative mailbox, that is their choice; however, the Road Commission will only reimburse up to a maximum of $25. The Road Commission recommends that individuals remove expensive mailboxes and replace them with a standard metal mailbox during the winter months or remove the mailbox if they leave the area for the winter.